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augusts, septembris etc.

[labot šo sadaļu]

Hello! Sorry for writing in English. But unfortunately I do not speak any Latvian.
I wanted to add the declension of the few Latvian word we have on the German Wiktionary (see de:Kategorie:Lettisch). But I couldn't find it here for the following words: augusts, septembris, oktobris, novembris. Could you please add the declension table in these entries?
And one other question: Why does janvāris have two possible forms in the nominative plural, but februāris only one? Don't they belong to the same declension class? Thank you for any help! Kind regards --Trevas 12:56, 13 oktobrī 2010 (UTC)

Hello! I've added declinated forms for the articles you requested :) With janvāris, februāris, and for that matter, any word ending in -ris, there is the standart Latvian plural ending -ri, but more conservative Latvian orthographical traditions, like the one used by those Latvian who went into exile during the World War II, still use the soft ŗ, a letter(and sound) no longer used in Latvia. Therefore, words like janvāris are pluralized to janvāŗi. However, it must be noted that this is not standart Latvian used in Latvia. --- Longrim 17:11, 13 oktobrī 2010 (UTC)

Hello Longrim! Thank you very much for your help and the explanation.
Could you please check the declension table in de:Andrejs? And: Is the genetive singular of Antons Antoņa and of Andris Andra? Both second declension? Thanks again --Trevas 12:34, 14 oktobrī 2010 (UTC)

I'm sorry for being terribly late :)
The declension for Andrejs is correct. You're right about "Andris", however, the genitive of "Antons" is Antona· Andris belongs to the second declension, but Antons - to the first. -- Longrim 19:44, 2 janvārī 2011 (UTC)